
Friday, May 22, 2015

VR Virtual Reality & AR Augmented Reality Future Popularity for Domain Names

The future of valuable domain names in Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) 

This report here is written as a supplemental source, for information that I have posted to the forum NamePros. Many links that are provided with this report are to various posts I've made as Fliporium on NamePros, and links to news sources.

Virtual Reality (VR) Domain Name discussion on NamePros
Augmented Reality (AR) Domain Name discussion on NamePros
@Fliporium my profile on NamePros 

Please take a look at this link about the future of "AR" & "VR"

Future revenue of AR & VR in 2020 and the importance of VR domains and AR domains

The future of "AR" & "VR"

Google search trends for AR Augmenetd Reality & VR Virtual Realiy
Current interest in AR & VR technologies in Google search
Please take a look at the two above images. The top image is the future revenue shares of both VR and AR technologies in 2020, and the bottom image is a comparison of exact search trends for "Virtual Reality" and "Augmented Reality".

The popularity of VR is about to blow up soon, look on the tail-end of the blue tracker for VR in the image above. See how just on the end it's pointing practically straight up.

Below the two images is a live embed from Google trends to watch the future excitement right here! So BOOKMARK this page ;)

To get a picture of how fast the interest in VR will blow up, check out this forecast for virtual reality head-mounted display units:

VR Virtual Reality domain names will be popular because of VR head mounted display sets
The reason why "VR" game name domains will be valuable
In this image above, we can see that in the next 5 years Virtual Reality is going to be a big deal.

Predicted rise of the popularity of VR in comparison with future VR headset sales

The above image is an image from Google trends for "virtual reality" and for the projected sales of virtual reality headset up until 2020. The popularity of virtual reality will grow along with virtual reality headsets.

Now check out this image of future revenue share for VR, half of the pie chart is only for games. This tells us that VR game themed domains will be very popular in the next 5 years.

Gaming VR domain names stand a better chance to be valuable because half of virtual reality use will be for games
VR revenue share will be all of HALF VR gaming

When considering virtual reality themed domain names, what is the right keyword combination to use? There are a lot of ways the combination can go, but we must look at the search trends. When people are searching for information about virtual reality, they are using the exact term "VR". Look at the graph below that compares the exact search terms for "Virtual Reality" and "VR", it's easy to see that VR is used more commonly in VR buzz words.

Comparison of the keywords virtual reality and VR in google search trends
Comparison of the keywords "VR" & "Virtual Reality" in G search


Game themed VR domains

These VR game names can be considered premium in the next few years, they are only five letters long and are pronounceable three letter English game words.

Future VR games:


Sports themed VR domain names

I got late in the VR domain name registration boom so I missed out on all the good sports domains. Thinking outside of the box, I decided to go with the Spanish word for sports "Deportes" to make a sports themed VR domain. Spanish speaking countries go crazy for sports, this domain will be valuable.


I registered this VR domain that potentially has value:


The acronym SOLE can be applied many ways
"Self Organized Learning Environment" & The "Society of Latino Engineers" in Standford are my favorite possibilities.

Augmented Reality (AR) themed domains

Please check the graph below, this is a comparison between the exact keywords "Augmented Reality" & just "AR". The Gizmodo article that's pointed out on the graph is the only news reference to AR as a technology keep in mind. AR as a tech word is going to trend up from that point on.

The term AR starts to be used for augmented reality making AR domains attractive
Gizmodo calls Augmented Reality "AR" and it catches on
LIVE FEED: In the first image above that showed the comparison of revenue shares in 2020 between VR & AR, you can see that almost half of that share will be for hardware. Hardware because the future of AR will not be used primarily for entertainment.

Please refer to my forum posts on NamePros here, here, here and here when considering the value of


Mobile AR themed domains

The keywords "Mobile Augmented Reality" are starting to heat up in anticipation for this technology.

See this link to Google images for "Mobile AR": This link is the visual proof by definition of what "Mobile AR" is.

Fliporium's Mobile AR Today and Near Future album on Photobucket

I believe strongly that there will be an upward trend for the need of mobileAR domains.

Please refer to my forum post on NamePros here and these links to news sources here, here and here. More recent reading on it here, here ...

Rise of the keywords Mobile Augmented Reality as the technology improves
The search term "mobile augmented reality" begins to rise

This graph below shows the trend for the use of the keywords "Mobile AR". It's important to check out my post here for a detailed explanation of this phenomena.

Comparison of Mobile Augmented Reality to Mobile AR to see that mobile AR domain names will be attractive
The search terms "mobile AR" begin to be used

These mobileAR domains are for sale:


Someone beat me to the .com domain, but .net looks really nice too.

Mobile ad placement and marketing is going to be a billion dollar industry. After publishing this report back on the 10th someone got a lot of good mobileAR themed domains for advertising, luckily I was still able to get the "Marketers" keyword. A very very nice domain name:


Mobile AR maps for future mobile map applications:



"mobileAR" + "porn" .com
"mobileAR" + "sex" .com
"mobileAR" + "XXX" . com

This is a monopoly of the top three searched keywords in the adult entertainment industry.

Anyone who knows the value of traffic would agree that "XXX", "porn" and adult "sex" entertainment are the among the most searched keywords on Google. With the predicted rise of the mobileAR + keyword combination in the future, these three domain names will have value.


The future of "Mobile Augmented Reality GPS" is upon us! This technology will be in every mobile device in the future.

Please refer to this posting here again on NamePros by me that justifies the value of these three mobileAR domains.

Links to Mobile AR Lab at NYU here & here.

Augmented Reality has to get a start, but where will developers find money to begin projects?

From crowdfunding, and there is start of talk about augmented reality crowdfunding in the news. It is inevitable that there will be a need for some kind of organization for the future of AR.


These two crowdfunding domains come as a set. 

“Crowdfunding allows vendors to anticipate the demand for their products, directly communicate with potential buyers and involve them in product development”

Currently is handling a lot of the crowdfunding for AR now:

Please see here, here, here, here, here, and here

Despite indiegogo handling AR startups today, in time to come and considering the growth of augmented reality in the future these domains could hold the future of big AR crowdfunding.

You can contact me directly at

My real name is Christer Fredrickson


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